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A man who is looking for a man

My Vitals:

Age: 71, Height: 6' 00" (183 cm), Weight: 220 lbs (100 kg)

Where I Live:

 USA  >>  California  >>  San Francisco  >>  Castro


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I`m a pretty easy going masculine guy. I like doing do many things I really don`t want to list them all here but I like being outdoors and like being active. I go to the gym about 3 times a week like working out but am not a fanatic about it. I also like to walk/hike and try to do it as often as I can. I don`t want to use this to tell you everything about me so I`ll go on to what I`m looking for. Basically, I am LTR oriented. I want a monogomouos relationship and having experienced open relationships have discovered that they aren`t for me. I know I`m considered a "Bear" but am not necessarily looking for another one. I am attracted to all kinds of guys but the only stipulation is that he be masculine and in decent shape. I`m generally most attracted to guys my age or younger. I have a good sense of humor and don`t look at life too seriously. Although I like San Francisco, I`m also not stuck here. I realize that the world is really a small place and that special someone could be just about anyplace. Well if any of this appeals to you I hope to hear from you.

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