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A man who is looking for a man

My Vitals:

Age: 46, Height: 5' 10" (178 cm), Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)

Where I Live:

 USA  >>  Texas  >>  Austin  >>  North Campus


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Hello, I`m a music education student at UT. In addition to loving classical and other music, I enjoy travel, art, eating and architecture. Also, I like walks in the park and running. I hate going to the gym, but I do it anyway, and always leave feeling satisfied. I`m also an obsessive neat-freak. Finally, these profiles don`t really give you a good idea of who a person is, and neither does my quiz, it`s just a vague indicator of-patibility. I am looking to date someone who is around my age, somewhat mature and ultimately looking for a loving relationship. If you think you might be interested, I can be reached at friendly at mail dot utexas dot edu . Please e-mail me there, as it will save money that I could otherwise be spending on you! (cheesy I know) Thank you!

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