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A man who is looking for a man

My Vitals:

Age: 43, Height: 5' 07" (170 cm), Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)

Where I Live:

 USA  >>  Washington  >>  Seattle  >>  University District


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I`m a pretty mellow and happy guy, who is always giving hugs and laughing and entering deep conversa tions in funky coffeeshops on the hill. I LOVE to go out dancing, but don`t much since I don`t exude tons o` money. I`m also a student wanna-be, hoping to get back into university next school year, I exercise regularly, and I enjoy writing poetry and drawing and I`m reading all the time. I guess I`m looking for a 20-something guy who`s into keeping healthy, likes biking/blading like me, likes dancing as well as just sitting for hours and chatting in a shop, likes Seattle and hates pretentious people, is masculine but not necessarily "straight-acting," likes drawing and/or writing, and loves himself and where he`s going in life. Yeah, that`s the basics. :o)

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