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A man who is currently single and looking for a man

My Vitals:

Age: 69, Height: 6' 00" (183 cm), Weight: 180 lbs (82 kg), Ethnicity: mixed / multi

Where I Live:

 USA  >>  District of Columbia  >>  Washington, D.C.  >>  Northwest


RequestADate Listing

Very Interested Ready & Able Just an average individual-I know that everyone wants to be better than average kinda guy-smarter-above the norm or excel in one manner or another which is fine but on a relationship level with me there is no competitive situation here - I am a mature individual seeking mature friend(s) I am mixed native american and caucasin who really enjoys the company of those who will share in total respect for each other and for our differences and enjoy sharing in them to work together and do the day to day routines together and develop and enjoy common interests - travel - cooking - abode & etc and some shared intellectual pursuits - books, art and the like except no politics or religion. Enjoy happy hour together - dinner, movies, shopping and other together things that are out there to do. Not a selfish individual but also not a fool either. More to come - want to develop an interest? Let us make a date together and to to a movie or just go for a couple drinks in at a corner pub. - Let me know. I am a very passionate individual when I am involved-when I care I am devoted 1000%. Horny & Hung!!!! Contact E-Mail [email protected]

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Socio-Group average guy

I'm looking for

Socio-Group average guy, cowboy