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A man who is looking for a man

My Vitals:

Age: 59, Height: 6' 00" (183 cm), Weight: 175 lbs (79 kg)

Where I Live:

 USA  >>  Oregon  >>  Portland  >>  Downtown


RequestADate Listing

Masculine Fit Hansome seeks Same for... Lean, defined, single, divorced, non-smoking, d&d free, HIV-, MASCULINE, quick-witted, hard-working. Seeking another MASCULINE man around my age (39-48)interested in developing a friendship to both satisfy (A) our mutual need for touch and (B) our mutual need for man to man emotional support. In my vision I see (A) carried out discreetly through hugging, cuddling, massage and other limited mutual touch. More specifically, if you're looking for more than mutual touch, I'm not our man. I see (B) carried out publicly through occasional shared activity such as snowboarding, DH or FR mountain biking, windsurfing, beers, the gym, etc. With no appology, I must stress that I'm seeking another man who is FIT, LEAN, MASCULINE, NON-SMOKING, d&d free, including HIV neg and on the same page with respect to the mutual touch piece. What I'm willing to attempt with another man is unprecedented fidelity. And believe it or not, Guys that are truly motivated by the teaching of Christ, get my attention. Finally, if you have an interest in the following, we may not be a good match: Conspicuous consumption; the "gay lifestyle" & unhealthy living. I know this sounds crazy intense...I'm only attempting to save both of us from wasted time and effort

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